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Millennial Nurse Managers?

American Nurse Today had an interesting article in their December issue about moving millennial nurses into leadership postions, it’s a great read! This excerpt on cross generational workplaces is particularly interesting to us at ProMed as we have an incredibly diverse office!

Generations working well together promote workplace satisfaction, which ultimately improves patient outcomes. This sounds like the age old “everyone play nice in the sandbox,” but it contains like most adages, a nugget of truth. To facilitate collaboration and a healthy work environment, nurses of all generations must understand the diversity in today’s workplaces; not just in culture and ethnicity but age as well. Generational differences do not have to result in negativity; positive inter generational relationships can be formed that benefit all involved.

Here are some tips for successful inter generation cooperation that managers and staff alike can apply.

Value differences. Rather than point out negative characteristics of one another, use these varied personalities to value differences. What can an older nurse teach a younger nurse? Possible answers include dedication, patience, and shared life experiences that only come with time. Conversely, younger nurses may help older nurses see the value in varied job roles, the importance of valuing time off, and interest for advanced education.

Use generational relationships to your advantage. Find a mentor. If you are a millennial and desire upward career movement, find a leader who inspires you and can help you obtain the position you desire. For older generations, think about succession planning. Positively mentoring younger nurses can prove successful; by helping them understand the process of leadership roles you pass on your legacy.

Try reverse mentoring. Tech savvy nurses can help lesser skilled nurses become more proficient with the computers and technology that are a necessity in practice settings.

Listen to one another. Value input from all staff of all ages. Respect one another’s ideas, understanding that nurses on the front lines of care may have the best solutions. Nurses of all generations can contribute suggestions for improvement and practice environment enhancement.

Read the entire article at


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